Complex Pointers

Rules in order of precedence

  1. () and []
    • Evaluated left to right
    • Parentheses that are grouping together multiple parts of a declaration have the highest precedence. Next are the postfix operators () and []
  2. * and id Name of Pointer or identifier
    • Evaluated right to left
  3. Data Type

Code Snippets with numbers indicating precedence

int *p;
 3  21 
// declare p as pointer to int
int **p;
 4  321
// declare p as pointer to pointer to int
int *p[5];
 4  32 1
// declare p as array of 5 pointers to int
int (*p)[5];
    .2 .1     // paranthesis # 1.1 and 1.2
 3    2  1
// declare p as pointer to array of 5 ints
int *p();
 4  32 1
// declare p as function returning pointer to int
int (*p)();
    .2 .1
 3    1  2
// declare p as pointer to function returning int
int (*p)(int *);
    .2 .1
 3    1  2
// declare p as pointer to function that takes an int pointer returning int
int **p();
 5  432 1
// declare p as function returning pointer to pointer to int
int *(*p)();
    .2 .1
 4  3  1  2
// declare p as pointer to function returning pointer to int
int (**p)();
 4  3  1  2
// declare p as pointer to pointer to function returning int
int (*p)(int, char);
    1.2 1.1
         2.1  2.2
 3    1  2
// declare p as pointer to function
// taking int and char as arguments and returning int
int **p[10];
 5  432 1
// declare p as array of 10 pointers to pointer to int
int *(*p)[10];
     .2 .1
 4  3  1   2
// declare p as pointer to array of 10 pointers to int
int (**p)[10];
 3    1   2
// declare p as pointer to pointer to array of 10 ints
void *(**p[5])(int, char);
  4  3    1       2
// declare p as array of 5 pointers to pointer to function
// taking int and char as arguments and returning void pointer
int (*(*p)[5])();
// declare p as pointer to array of 5 pointers 
// to function returning int

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int *(*(*p)(int))[10];
// p is pointer to function having int argumenet
// and returning pointer to array of 10 pointers to int

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int *(*(*p[5])())();
// declare p as array of 5 pointers to function returning pointer 
// to function returning pointer to int

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// declare p as function returning pointer
// to array of pointers to function returning float

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int *((*p)[5])();
// invalid declaration

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Extreame case:

step by step explanation

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