
+, -, *, / (quotient operator), % (remainder operator or modulus)

Divison and Modulus operator

in if then output is

in if then output is

Rules for arithmetic operators:-

  1. Integer Divison

    • int int is always int
  2. Modulus with Integers Only

    • Modulus operator cannot be used with floating point numbers as by default every float is treated as double. C is an expanding language.
    // Example of incorrect usage:
    float result = 5.2 % 2; // Error
  3. Operator Precedence

    • If more than 1 operator is present in an expression then precedence rule will be applied.

4 Associativity

  • If multiple operations with the same precedence appear, the associativity rule determines the order of evaluation.
  • Arithmetic Operators are left associative.