
Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables. They not only perform the assignment but also allow for combining arithmetic or bitwise operations in a single step.

  • = Assign
  • += Add and Assign
  • -= Subtract and Assign
  • *= Multiply and Assign
  • /= Divide and Assign
  • %= Modulus and Assign
  • <<= Left Shift and Assign
  • >>= Right Shift and Assign
  • &= Bitwise AND and Assign
  • ^= Bitwise XOR and Assign
  • |= Bitwise OR and Assign

These operators allow for combining arithmetic or bitwise operations with assignment in a single step.

Types of Assignment Operators

  1. Simple Assignment:

    • In simple assignment, a single variable is assigned a value using the = operator.
  2. Compound Assignment:

    • Compound assignment operators combine arithmetic or bitwise operations with assignment. They operate on the variable itself, modifying its value in place.

Rules for assignment operators

  1. Single variable is allowed in LHS of assignment operator
  2. Cascading of assignment operator
    • int x=y=z=2;
  • Associativity of assignment operator is from Right to Left

Q. Swap values without introducing a third variable. x = 5 and y = 2

Sol. There are many ways

// Method 1: Using Arithmetic Operations
x = x + y; // x = 5 + 2 => 7
y = x - y; // y = 7 - 2 => 5
x = x - y; // x = 7 - 5 => 2
// Method 2: Using Multiplication and Division
x = x * y; // x = 10
y = x / y; // y = 10/2 => 5
x = x / y; // x = 10/5 => 2