Pointers and Structures
struct stud{
int roll;
char dept_code[25];
float cgpa;
} class, *ptr;
struct book{
char Name[20];
float price;
char ISB[30];
}; struct book b, *br;
Once ptr
points to a structure variable, the members can be accessed through a dot operator or an arrow operator.
Order of precendence
is equivalent to (*ptr).roll
is invalid -
is same as *(p->x)
is same as*(p+[n])
is same as*((p->x)++)
is same as++(*(p[n]))
is same as++(*(p->y))
structure variables are passed by value just like primitive datatypes(intger, char, float, etc.) The only difference is that the structure name is used instead of the data type name. arrays are generally passed by reference.